Thursday, June 3, 2010

TUTORIAL: LinkWithin

Few bloggers request tutorial nak add LinkWithin ni. Buyat, Aziza and few others aku tak ingat nama. Actually, senang sesangat.

1. Mula2, of course kena masuk LINKWITHIN

2. Isi je apa yang perlu camni:
Platform: pilih either Blogger/Wordpress/TypePad/Other
Width: pilih antara 3-5 entries. Make sure muat-muat page. My blog muat 4 je,so rugi la kalau letak 3 je kan?

Pastu,kalau sape2 background blog gelap macam my blog, make sure "tick" dekat kotak tu. Kalau blog kaler cerah,takyah la tick.

BENEFIT: Ramai bloggers ni takkan baca entry yang lama2. Tapi dgn adanya LinkWithin ni, mungkin few bloggers, akan tertarik nak baca bila nampak topik lama tu kuar kat bawah post terbaru.

So, sapa2 yang belum ada lagi, sila2 la try ye!
Sape yang dah ade, make sure tajuk entry power yaa.baru org tertarik nak klik =)


  1. thanks! really appreciate it!
    love u !

  2. salam..nak tnya la..

    klu kita letak dye akan tulis

    'You might also like' kan

    cam na nak tukar ea mcm kamoo buat...

  3. yang tu xtau la bromine. auto je dia jadik BM..dah 2x buat,dedua kali gak BM

  4. i tried it before.. but never use it =P

  5. Thanks for the tutorial.. I always wondered how people did that (but didn't know who to ask. I did it straight away.

    Also mentioned you here :)

  6. In my opinion it is not logical

  7. It is good idea. I support you.

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